June 4, 2019 – Club Meeting

Tim Haugh presented the Treasurer's Report and it was approved by the club.


Old Business:

-100% payout at the ETBA Open was well received


New Business:

-July Club Meeting will be at Spring Creek Barbque

-Caddo Tournament (June 8 and 9)

-Remember it is a slot (14"-18") lake.  You are allowed a max of 5 fish and only 4 may be over 18".  There is no minimum length as long as it does not touch 14".  Even though spotted bass may be "state legal" at 15" they will be considered as slot fish for the purposes of this tournament.

-West of the Hwy 43 bridge is off limits

-Expected take-off will be at approx 5:50 am.  So depending on exact take-off, weigh in should be about 2:50 pm at Johnson's Ranch Marina.  It will be a "floating" weigh in, meaning that we will setup the weigh in on the docks and you can pull you boat up, check in and leave your stinger in the live well until it is your turn for weighing.

-There was a suggestion that we change the limit to 3 fish due to the temperatures that are expected, but it was not approved.

July Tournament will be at Lake Tyler and we will launch from Lake Tyler Marina