The Scoop:
Welcome back Mr. Miller!!!!! ETBA's 2010 AOY shows up on Lake Tyler and puts his stamp on it. Melton brings in the big sack of the weekend with 16.06lbs. Jeff Fishers and Kyle Gregory were close behind with 15.16 and 14.91. Rounding out fourth and fifth place were Mr. Jackie "I'm Retired Now" Gordon and Tyler Fisher with 14.54 and 13.74 respectively. Wade Eitel had a very nice stringer but a "little issue" cost him some points.
Big Bass honers went to Clint Gordon with a 5.26 and Melton Miller with a 5.16 pounder!
As you see by the solid weights, the club brought in some weight this past weekend. The weather has made it a tough start to the fishing season, but it looks like the fishing may have turned the corner and the weights are coming in now.
We had a great turnout and we should have another one on Lake Bob Sandlin coming up on May 3 and 4.
Reminders: The water is starting to warm and the fish will start to struggle in your live wells.......use ice to cool the water. Also, YOU CANNOT CULL A DEAD FISH in our tournaments!!!!!
?Mr. Paul Gibbons (Mr. Consistent), leads in the AOY chase with 40+lbs. We still have a lot of time to fish.....Who Will Catch him?