The Scoop:
Rain, Rain, some wind, and More RAIN!!!!!
Yep, Cypress Springs was wet from the start on Saturday. But that didn't stop our top 3 anglers on this day.
Delivery Man Thad Drury delivered his first victory of the year with an impressive 15.48lb. bag. Young lad Tyler Fisher figured it out by late morning and brought 14.60 to the scales. And finally "Coach" Tommy Crammer (thad's partner for the day) brought in a close 3rd with 14.44 (yep, they had 30lbs. in their boat).
Big Bass was very close as well with Coach taking first at 5.44 and Thad at 5.43...... Tyler also had one at 5.42 (crazy)!!!!!
Other top anglers on this weekend included Mr. Jackie Gordon with a nice 14.21 lbs on Sunday and Mike Mays bringing in 14.19lbs.
On we go to Toledo Bend next month for our second 2-Day event of the year!
?Happy Fishin'