Download a copy of the 2025- Rules and Bylaws
(REVISED January 2025)
- To make available to Anglers of the area an organization that will allow them to pursue worthwhile goals in promoting fishing to its rightful place among recognized sports.
- To promote good sportsmanship and fellowship.
- To help improve the skills of Anglers through the exchange of fish catching techniques and ideas.
- Anyone under the age of eighteen must have written consent from their legal guardian.
- Willingness to abide by the rules of conduct set forth by this association.
- By payment of annual dues.
- There are two membership options in ETBA; "Pro-Level" and "Club-Level".
- "Pro-Level": "Pro-Level" members must pay the "Pro-Level" dues, which will include a membership in The Bass Federation (TBF), The Texas Bass Federation and their affiliate FLW. "Pro-Level" members will also pay the ETBA dues.
- "Club-Level": "Club-Level" members must pay the ETBA, "Club-Level" dues, and will not be included on the ETBA TBF/FLW Roster. "Club-Level" members will not be eligible to fish any TBF/FLW sponsored events through ETBA. "Club-Level" members will be able to participate in any ETBA sponsored events...(provided all qualifications are met).
- ETBA must maintain a minimum of 6 members that are also part of TBF/FLW in order to maintain membership as a TBF/FLW club. By maintaining our TBF/FLW status, our club and it's "Pro-Level" members are eligible to participate in all TBF and FLW events (provided all qualifications are met).
- Cheating in a tournament will result in immediate dismissal.
- Refusing to abide by current rules and policies will result in dismissal. Other reasons will require majority vote of the association membership present at the regular business meetings after receipt of formal protest by the executive board provided the board determines the complaint may have merit and it was timely.
- Executive Board shall consist of the following:
- President
- Vice-President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Tournament Director
- The immediate past President
- The Executive Board shall never create new policies, amend the club By-Laws, make any rule, or take any official action not specifically governed by the By-Laws without the consent of the Club Members. This consent shall be granted by simple majority vote at such time as such issue is presented to the club.
- Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present at the December business meeting
- Officers can be re-elected for as many times as the membership sees fit and he/she is willing to serve.
- Tenure of each office shall be one year (January 1st through December 31st).
- Resignation from office must be in writing with a 30 day notice.
- Resigning officer must report resignation to the President or next highest officer.
- Resigning officer must try to locate a current club member to take over duties as required by the By-Laws.
- President:
- Preside at and conduct all association meetings.
- Keep meeting moving at an interesting pace.
- be allowed to make suggestions and present ideas.
- Improvement of the association, but does not make a formal motion while he is in office.
- While presiding, he may not cast a vote on any issue except: a) Expulsion of a member; b) A tie-breaking vote on any issue; c) Selection of Tournament Lakes.
- Sign all checks with the Treasurer.
- The President shall have the authority to make "Executive Decisions
that override Club scheduled events, By-Laws, or policy only when those decisions involve the immediate safety and well being of any person or persons. - Designate one member to attend the regular BASS regional meeting.
- Vice-President:
- Assist the President.
- Preside at and conduct meetings in absence of the President.
- Provide a program at monthly meetings.
- Be responsible for association publicity.
- Sign all checks with the Treasurer in the absence of the President.
- Secretary:
- Prepare and read the minutes of each meeting of the general membership and/or Executive Committee.
- Be responsible for association's monthly newsletter.
- Record all motions made and record accurate vote counts.
- Keep a permanent record file for the association's business.
- Read correspondence and communications at association's meetings.
- Submit a complete membership roster to TBF/FLW once a year.
- Treasurer:
- Deposit all fees collected.
- Keep accurate records of receipts and disbursements of association's funds.
- Sign all checks in conjunction with the President or Vice-President.
- Provide a report for each general meeting.
- Prepare and present an "Annual Accounting of Funds" report at the end of this tenure of office and at the annual business meeting.
- Tournament Director:
- Coordinate each fishing tournament.
- Appoint two weigh-in officials from membership.
- See that each member and guest abides by the basic tournament rules.
- Keep and accurate and complete record of participants and fees paid.
- Submit to the Treasurer a record of participants and fees paid.
- Be responsible for judging equipment at tournaments.
- Submit to the Secretary tournament and year-to-date weights after each tournament.
- Webmaster:
- The Webmaster position will not be considered an officer position.
- An officer may also hold the Webmaster position.
- Section A and Section B of Article IV will pertain to the Webmaster position.
- Keep the website promptly up to date.
- "Pro-Level" members will pay the $20.00 ETBA club dues. In addition, "Pro-Level" members will also pay the full TBF/FLW dues on an annual basis.
- "Club Level" members will only pay the $20.00 ETBA club dues.
- Anglers must declare either "Club Level" or Pro-Level" when joining.
- Once joining as either a :Pro-Level" or Club-Level" a member may not switch membership levels with the following exception: a) "Club-Level" members may switch to a "Pro-Level", at any point during the year, by paying all dues associated with the "Pro-Level" membership. Your YTD (Year to Date) points that are accumulated will remain as it relates to AOY and overall club standings, however your TBF/FLW points will start fresh from that point forward.
- No dues will be refunded once the association accepts a membership.
- The calendar year for the East Texas Bass Association is January 1st through December 31st.
- Any new member joining the club on November 1st or after during the calendar year will have their dues applied to following year and will be eligible to the remaining tournament of the current calendar year as a member.
- Dues are to be paid before first tournament fished not as a guest, and will validate with a "Pro-Level" Membership if necessary with membership level.
- There shall be at least 12 meetings of the East Texas Bass Association in a calendar year.
- Meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of each month. Exceptions are decided by a majority vote for extenuating circumstances.
- Meetings maybe held at a different location every three months, with the change being announced at the following meetings: (March, June, September and December) these meetings will be held at a convenient location.
- Meetings will begin at 7:00 PM.
- December shall be designated as the annual business meeting of the Executive Board.
- This meeting will follow the regular December meeting.
- The Executive Board for this meeting is made up of the current elected officers during December and the newly elected officers for the next Calendar Year.
- December Executive Board meeting will be held to decide the following: a) Matters for the betterment of the association.
- Special meetings of the Executive Board will be called by the President, or by the request of 1/4 of the members provided all members are notified one week in advance.
- A quorum shall be 40% of the membership.
- Matters not covered by the By-Laws shall be decided by simple majority vote at the next regular monthly Club meeting.
- October shall be designated as the annual tournament scheduling meeting of the Executive Board.
- The Executive Board for this meeting will be consistent with Article III, Section A.
- This meeting will follow the regularly scheduled October meeting.
- Tournament scheduling for the next season should be completed before the regularly scheduled November meeting.
- By-Law Changes:
- Proposed By-Law changes should be brought in writing to the regularly scheduled October meeting with a brief discussion.
- Any changes submitted in the regularly scheduled October meeting will be further discussed during the regularly scheduled November meeting and then voted on at the regularly scheduled December meeting by the club members.
- Proposed By-Law changes will pass with a majority vote.
- A "Guest" is considered any one that has not paid dues.
- Four times during a calendar year, a member may fish with a guest. If the guest becomes a member in the remaining months of the calendar year, then he will not be counted as the guest against original member.
- A guest may fish one time as a guest in a Calendar Year.
- A member may fish with an immediate family member as a guest as many times as they wish.
- A guest must pay tournament entry fee.
- A guest will not receive points. All points will go to members only.
- Guides are not eligible to fish as guest.
- A guest may fish as a guest only one time on a particular lake.
- Any member caught fishing with an illegal guest (per 1-6 above) will forfeit all pounds for that tournament. Article IX, Section G, #3 applies (Protest Rule)
- To weigh fish without penalty a member must check-in with the tournament director/weigh-in official prior to the official ending time at the tournament.
- Club Standings will be determined by total pounds system. An angler’s best 10 of the 12 tournaments a year plus the meeting pounds/weighmaster for the year will combine to make up an angler’s total pounds.
- Pounds awarded for club meeting attendance will be added to the pound total.
- Three pounds will be awarded to each member present at a regular scheduled monthly club meeting from January through November. A member can accumulate a maximum of 24 meeting pounds during this eleven month period. A member can receive 3 additional pounds by attending the December meeting, and 3 additional pounds for volunteering time to work a club sponsored event not including regular meetings and tournaments, resulting in a 30 pounds possible maximum meeting pounds per member during a twelve month club year. Also if you are weighmaster for a club tournament you will receive 2 additional pounds each time with the max being 8 pounds.
- A member will receive the meeting pounds for a meeting they miss if: a) The member lives 40 miles or further from the meeting location and fishes the tournament for that month. b) The member was unable to attend the meeting due to work, letting a board member know before the meeting and fished the tournament for that month. NOTE: If a member is caught violating either of the 2 situations above, they will forfeit their entire year pounds - For Cheating!
- In case of a Tie in the Final Yearly Standings, the tie will be broken by: 1st) Total Weight for all events fished; 2nd) Number of monthly club tournament wins; 3rd) Number of monthly club events fished; 4th) A coin flip.
- The Top 12 fishermen in ETBA, and that are also ETBA & "State Affiliate" members, can attend the State Tournament (1/2 boaters and 1/2 non-boaters), provided they competed in a minimum of 6 monthly tournaments and are a member in good standings with the club and the "State Affiliation" (ie. TBF or BASS). Non Boaters only have to compete in 1 ETBA tournament to be eligible to compete in State Tournaments. To fill our Top-12 positions, we will proceed down the list of qualifiers until we fill 12 positions to send to State.
- A lake selection committee will be appointed to select lakes for the next year.
- The lake selection committee will consist of the Executive Board and two non-board members of the club.
- Tournament ramp will be decided by the general membership at the regular monthly meeting prior to the tournament.
- Tournament hours will be safe light plus 9 hours, unless adjusted by majority vote at the monthly club meeting the monthly prior. Safe light will be determined by Tournament director. a) For the months of June, July, August and September, the club (with a majority vote at that month's meeting) may vote to have a night tournament, and/or fish less than 9 hours. (Example if take off time is 6:45 am the weigh in time will be 3:45 pm)
- The Executive Board for reservation's purposes will decide "Exception" Ramp for Two Day tournaments.
- Tournament lakes can be fished only three times in the ETBA calendar year; but not fished back-to-back.
- In case of "Acts of God", "emergency Situations", or "Extenuating Circumstances" only, the lake and dates can be changed by a majority vote of the membership present at the club meeting if they deem it necessary for the membership.
- The Executive Board will decide tournament dates from January through December.
- The Executive Board will set the dates and lakes of the two-day tournaments.
- Two-Day Tournament to support the purpose of good fellowship, and to help improve the skills of the angler through the exchange of fish catching techniques and ideas, special tournaments will be conducted as follows: a) There may be two-day tournaments; b) Members may fish either Saturday, Sunday or both with one entry fee.; c) Entry fee for two day tournament only will be $50.00 for one day and $55.00 for both days; d) Only a two-day tournament will pay a Big Bass place each day, thus the additional $5.00 fee; e) Members Best: stringer will be counted for each two-day tournament; f) Trailer time extended to 1 hour.
- Tournaments are held on the first weekend after the first Tuesday of each month. Exceptions will be on holiday weekends or on special events.
- Members may fish Saturday or Sunday.
- Entry Fee for each monthly tournament (except two-day) shall be $50.00, this will cover stringer and big bass.
- $50.00 Entry fee - Payout breakdown:
$40.00 Stringer Payout
$5.00 Big Bass Payout
$5.00 End of Year Club Championship
- Tournament and club expenses:
$50.00 Total Entry fee
$5.00 Plus and Optional 7lb+ Side-pot
$5.00 Plus and Optional Half Weight Pot
- Tournament:
90% of the $50.00 is paid out for each
10% of the $50.00 gets paid out at End of Year Club Championship
100% of the 7lb+ Side-pot is paid out (once busted)
- Stringer payout will be to the top 3 stringers for each tournament, regardless of the number of entries, with first place paying out 50%, 2nd place paying out 30%, 3rd place paying out 20%.
- Payouts will be rounded down to nearest dollar.
- The payout for Big Bass will payout 1 spot to the top big bass for the tournament.
- The Payout For Half Weight will payout 1 spot to whoever catches half or closet to half the weight of 1st Place that does not place in the top 3. In the event of a tie. It will go to the closet under the half weight. If both are tied under the half weight. It will be a coin flip.
- "Club Championship" tournament includes members from the previous season that entered at least 6 of the club’s previous year's regularly scheduled tournaments.
- The "Club Championship" tournament will coincide with the club's regularly scheduled April tournament.
- Members that are qualified for the "Club Championship" tournament may enter both the regularly scheduled club tournament and the "Club Championship" tournament.
- Members competing in both tournaments will have their days weight counted in both tournaments.
- The prize money for the "Club Championship" tournament will come from the extra dollars in the fees paid for tournament entries for that year.
- Entry fee for the "Club Championship" tournament will be $10.00 per contestant.
- Pay back for the "Club Championship" tournament will be 40%, 30%, 20% and 10%.
- Tournament rules and regulations apply to all entrants in East Texas Bass Association tournaments.
- Violation of any of these rules will result in disqualification by the Tournament Director.
- Any protest must be made within One (1) hour after weigh-in for that day. The protest must be in writing (this can be either on paper, email or via Text Message) listing the offense being protested along with all witnesses to verify the offense and given to the Tournament Director.
- Protests will be ruled on by the Executive Board after meeting with the member(s) filing the protest and/or anyone with pertinent knowledge or information on the matter.
- State, Federal, and Local laws must be followed and obeyed.
- Courtesy, safe boating, sportsmanship, and conservation must be displayed at all times by contestants.
- A U.S. Coast Guard approved Type III Chest Type P.F.D. must be on and fastened anytime the combustion engine is running and kill switch must be attached to P.F.D, and be functional, except while loading and unloading.
- All fishing must be done with artificial lures only.
- Only one rod and reel may be used at a time.
- No trolling with the combustion engine is allowed.
- All fish must be caught in sporting manner during tournament hours from the tournament waters.
- Boats must have an operational live well with an aeration system.
- Contestants may not keep more than 5 bass in the live well per person.
- Only bass (Largemouth, Smallmouth, or Kentucky) will count toward stringer weight.
- Minimum length will be state published lengths for tournament water being fished. Kentucky bass must meet the same length requirements as largemouth bass to be counted towards stringer weight.
- Only contestants entered in that day's tournament are allowed in the boat.
- Everyone must check-in with the Tournament Director (or first club member located in the event of a late arrival) prior to fishing.
- No boat may leave the launch area before the official starting time, unless trailering.
- No one may begin fishing before the official starting time.
- If trailering, you may leave up to 30 minutes prior to official starting time if you have checked in with the Tournament Director.
- When trailering, you cannot leave the launch area you trailer too until official starting time.
- No fishing is allowed within 50 yards of another tournament boat without mutual consent.
- All fishing must be done from the contestant's boat.
- Each contestant must return to the launch area in sufficient time to check in with the Tournament Director prior to the official ending time.
- Anyone checking in late with the Tournament Director will be penalized 1 lb per minute late up to 15 minutes, after 15 minutes the contestant will not be allowed to weigh in fish.
- No fishing after checking in at the end of the tournament.
- Exception to the Late Penalty - THE GOOD SAMARITAN RULE: If an angler is late due to helping out a fellow club member with boat trouble, the Good Samaritan IS NOT penalized a late penalty. The troubled boater will be penalized as normal.
- All questionable fish must be measured on a club measuring board.
- Any short fish submitted to weigh in official as part of the contestants catch will constitute a 5 lb penalty.
- Dead fish will draw a 1/2 lb penalty per dead fish.
- All fish must be brought to the scales in a weigh-in bag in sufficient water to completely cover all fish in order to be weighed.
- Scoring will be determined by a total weight of not more than 5 bass per individual.
- Fish will be measured on a check-it stik measuring board.
- A catch and release policy will be in effect at all tournaments.
- The club may retain weak fish; trophy fish may be retained by the contestant who caught the fish.
- If all contestants zero a tournament, all monies go to the banquet.
- No member or guest will be permitted to fish the tournament or practice (pre-fish) with anyone who has been a guide for hire on the tournament lake within 30 days of the tournament on the lake, unless that person is a club member.
- All rules will be enforced as to the intent of the rule.
- Any questions concerning rules prior to a tournament shall require a conference of at least 3 members of the Executive Board prior to rendering a judgment.
- During a tournament all rules are to be enforced by the Tournament Director.
- The Top Six in points of the previous year end standings will coordinate the club's annual fundraising.
Optional Side:
- There will be an optional side pot for any big bass weighed in during any of the 12 regularly scheduled monthly tournaments weighing 7 lbs or larger.
- Only Club Members currently in good standings with the club can enter the side pot.
- Only a member that is "caught up" with past tournament side pot fees missed will be eligible to collect the side pot.
- The pot will roll over until it is broken with an eligible fish at that point the pot will start again at $0.
- The side pot fee will be $5.00 for every tournament.
- Dead fish penalty will not count against a big bass but only against stringer weight.
- To be eligible to win 100% of the optional big bass pot a member must meet the following requirement: the member has to have been in good standings with the club on membership for a minimum of one full month prior to current tournament (with the only exception being the January tournament). If the member does not meet this requirement then they would only be eligible to receive 50% of the pot and the remaining 50% will roll over to the next month.
- Junior membership will be restricted to persons 13 years or younger.
- Junior member must be the son/daughter or grandson/granddaughter of a current member in good standing with East Texas Bass Association.
- Junior member must be under 13 years old before joining the club, to be eligible to fish the East Texas Bass Association club fiscal year ( January - December).
- Entry fee will be $5.00. This will be kept separate from the regular tournament fees and pay out. EXCEPTION: Junior members have the option to join the club as a regular adult member and be part of the adult division of the tournament, but if they elect to do this they will not be eligible for the junior division from that point forward for that calendar year of membership and will be considered a paid adult member following all the rules and regulations set out for the adult division.
- Junior members do not have to pay regular club dues if they are only participating in the Junior Division. They will only be required to pay the $5.00 entry fee for each tournament they participate in.
- Junior members will only weigh in one fish per tournament.
- Junior members must fish with a regular club member in good standing with East Texas Bass Association.
- Junior tournament payout will be 100% paid out of the Junior entry fee following the below pay-out schedule:
PAYOUT will be as follows:
1 person fished 100%
2-8 persons fished 60% - 40%
9-15 persons fished 40% - 30% - 30%
16-20 persons fished 40% - 30% - 20% - 10%
21-25 person fished 37% - 28% - 17% - 10% - 8%
- At the end of the year Banquet or at the January meeting immediately following the previous year a Plaque will be given to each Junior Member if they won a Junior Division Tournament.